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Action Research 5313 Here is Technology, learn it all, test tomorrow.

This Action Research class could not have come at a better time. I have recently found myself asking, "What Technology do students need to be learning in today's schools between 4th and 7th grade"? It seems students are given computers in the form of an iPad, smart phone, or a lap top and are expected to know how to use it because they know how to text, play video games, and use apps. We hand them this electronic brain, say here is all you need to know, learn it, and you will have a test tomorrow and then we expect them to pass. What ends up happening is that they abuse the resources or they become victims of abuse and they never really learn how to use technology as a teaching tool.

My innovation plan is to implement the flipped blended learning model in a virtual classroom setting. I have had the opportunity this year to put my innovation into action. With my current experience using my innovation plan, I have realized that my 6th graders lack the technological skills necessary to implement this flipped blended model effectively.

Therefore, I focused my research on “what specific technological skills teachers identify as necessary for students to be successful in our virtual blended model environment.” I used a

Likert scale survey to identify the knowledge our students have and then I will compare that to what the research says they need. My plan is to analyze the data and use the information to develop a semester long class. I desire to teach our middle school students the technologies that they need to be able to use technology as a learning tool and to maximize their success in the blended learning flipped virtual education model.


Action Research Plan

Literature Review - click on image

Action Research Outline

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